Tag Archives: Keith Weber’s Extreme 2 DvD

Kettlebell Ladder Workout

8 Oct


Today I did The Ladder workout from Keith Weber’s Extreme 2 DvD. You KNOW this is a tough workout when even Keith Weber is skipping some of the movements in the Ladder sequence in his DVD! After my 3 minute warmup, I did the Ladder workout with a 12kg bell. It’s a tough sequence because your arm is up in the air for all of the sequence with little rest. The overhead squat is still my hardest movement to perform but I feel more comfortable doing it. I then did a 7 minute ab exercise by Todd Durkin that had me gasping for air at the end. Good stuff.

I want to do another workout session in the evening to burn some more calories and focus on cardio using jumproping and a high rep/low weight kettlebell sequence.